El Cuello Yagasuri es perfecto para principiantes porque está hecho con The Wool, uno de nuestros favoritos para aprender a tejer o hacer ganchillo, ya que es súper grueso. Se trabaja con un ganchillo de 15 mm. El Cuello Yagasuri es perfecto para esos fríos días de invierno. ¡Créenos, tu cuello te lo agradecerá! Inspírate y comparte tu proyecto en #weareknitters.
Ovillos: x2 (Wool)
Agujas (opcional)
Instrucciones de patrón paso a paso para todas las tallas en Inglés, Español, Deutsch, Français, Italiano
Una etiqueta bordada
This project is worked in The Wool. Wool is a very resistant, naturally elastic and pure yarn that softens and adapts to you over time. Also, wool is naturally safe and does not promote the growth of bacteria. Perfect for timeless knitwear, our Wool is easy to knit, thicker than average (200gr) and there's a wide and beautiful range of colors waiting for you.}
Alexandra Tavel, the NYC based knitwear designer behind the Two of Wands label, blends style and function with simple stitches and techniques to create sophisticated knitwear for the modern maker. Her focus is on inspiring others to create current, fashion-forward wardrobes and homes full of effortless staples and essentials.

As seen on the #weareknitters community
A lot of knitters already made it, you can too!